#EstonianMafia is the tagline uniting the small but tight Estonian startup community, where ever they might be in the world.

#EstonianMafia Wall of Fame in LIFT99 Tallinn Hub is a celebration of the biggest startup success stories and strongest founders from Estonia. It was born in the early days of Estonian startup scene when LIFT99 Tallinn Hub and Garage48 Hackathons were still under the same organization. After the move to the current space in 2016, the father of Skype, Niklas Zennström helped to reopen the #EstonianMafia Wall of Fame. In 2019 we opened also the first Wall of Fame for Ukrainian startups, and marked the beginning of a new chapter for the local startup ecosystem.

See below the startups of the #EstonianMafia Wall of Fame and the Ukrainian Startups Wall of Fame.


 #EstonianMafia Wall of Fame

There are currently 32 legendary Estonian startups on the Estonian Wall of Fame as well as 9 unicorns. The inclusion criteria are based on the startups’ annual revenue growth, annual revenue size or amount of funding, and the amount of taxes paid to the Estonian Government. Last but not least, we look at the mission and impact of these startups and whether they truly are making the world a better place.


#EstonianMafia Wall of Fame Criteria



revenue growth a year


annual revenue and/or €5M+ funding

€100 000+

taxes paid to Estonian Government per month

Option Plan

in place for their employees

Giving Back

Good cause, purpose or action serving the benefits of (startup) community

Equity Majority

not in private ownership

PS! All of the criteria above must be fulfilled!


 Ukrainian Startups Wall of Fame

In spring 2019, we announced twelve Ukrainian startups as the potential candidates for the Wall of Fame. With the help of many founders, investors, executives, and ecosystem builders we’ve reviewed the applicants list. Over the past months we have finally pinned down the 15 Ukrainian superstars who are noticeably present on the local scene and have proved their “Hockey Stick” growth effect. Among other things, we looked at the investments raised, revenue, team, founders, willingness to give back to the ecosystem, and significant presence in Ukraine.


 Ukrainian Startups Wall of Fame Criteria



revenue growth a year

> $2M+

annual revenue and/or >$5M+ funding


employees in Ukraine


Ukrainian founder at least


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